Agency Grant & Loan Programs
Funding & Capital Improvement Program
Green, Energy Conservation & Accessibility Retrofits
Oversight & Staffing
Throughout its 26 year history, Signet has developed core competencies in management of diverse engagements for federal and private sector clients alike. Our proficiency in launching new programs responds to legislative mandates, all aspects of real estate lending, troubled and substandard properties, restructuring debt and allocating limited funds.
Signet has assisted clients transform broadly defined visions into precise and efficient operating protocols. We develop business plans, provide industry best practices for client operations, augment professional staff and conduct training workshops for federal regulators, agencies and lenders.
Representative Engagements

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Recapitalization (HUD) - 2009 to 2014
The "Green Retrofit Program" (GRP) was mandated by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 to dramatically improve energy efficiency and environmental health at low income multifamily properties. HUD commissioned Signet to assist in all operating aspects of the program, screen candidate properties, underwrite proposed green retrofit improvements (via Signet's LEED certified staff) and manage the construction draw and disbursement process as HUD's fiduciary. As the result of this engagement, Signet administered and disbursed approximately $84 million in GRP funds involving 79 properties in 32 states - completing all project requirements on-time and under budget. Noteworthy services include:
Assisted HUD in GRP process development, including documentation for the green retrofit scope of work, establishment of fiscal and construction management controls, and ARRA reporting and audit support.
Established standards for all aspects of critical "Physical Needs Assessments", reviewed and approved owner retrofit construction specifications and bid documents, supervised associated energy audits and prepared cost-benefit documentation.
Conducted turnkey administration of ARRA funds, through budget management, site inspections for draw disbursements, timely project-tracking data uploads and close-out reporting to HUD.

Westerra Credit Union - 2013 to Present
Signet was engaged by this $1.3 billion credit union to reorganize and staff its "member business lending" program. Signet responded by assessing all aspects of existing programs and staff, reviewing regulator and audit findings and preparing a recommended scope of services for Board approval. Noteworthy services include:
Development of a strategic business plan, including production standards, organization structure, staffing plan and job descriptions.
Ongoing introduction of industry best practices to improve internal processes, including formal policies and procedures and performance and compliance standards and metrics.
Staff augmentation via Signet’s seasoned personnel for commercial loan portfolio operations, annual loan reviews and risk ratings.
Improved integration of lending activities and processes with related functions, such as credit analyses, collections and defaults.
Participation in the recruitment of new commercial real estate loan originators to pursue target markets and production budgets recommended by Signet.